United Concordia Dental Offers EPO for Groups 10+

United Concordia Dental offers new EPO product for fully insured groups, 10+ employees.  (Plan previously limited to 100+ ASO groups.)

•    EPO members have the upfront cost of a copayment schedule instead of coinsurance
•    No primary care dentist required – No referrals to specialists
•    Available in most states
•    EPO/PPO dual option – minimum 10+ employees enrolled
•    EPO pricing is a little higher than DHMO plans, but much lower than PPO.
•    A $50 deductible and $1500 maximum apply to EPO plans, to control cost.
•    Ortho and Implants are available plan options.  Ortho 50% to $1500 lifetime max.
•    EPO Advantage Plus network is smaller than our PPO network, but much larger than DHMO’s.  EPO members must stay in network.

United Concordia Dental EPO is available in:  CA, AZ, NM, CO, OK, FL, VA, MD, DC, PA, and NJ.
Source: United Concordia